Forum: Fusionforge 5.3 final release available.

Posted by: Franck Villaume
Date: 2014-04-03 15:27
Summary: Fusionforge 5.3 final release available.
Project: FusionForge


After 4 release candidates, Community is proud to announce the new major Fusionforge 5.3 final release.
Fusionforge 5.3 is a new step over the 5.x. series.

In detail, here are the visible changes.
On the standards features front,
- Document management:
Files moved to filesystem using the Storage generic class (TrivialDev)
Directory monitoring (TrivialDev)
Display number of download per file, max upload size (TrivialDev)
Add report view as in FRS (TrivialDev)
- User management:
Account ssh key management: rewrite backend, add more informations such as fingerprint, deploy flag, easy delete (TrivialDev)
Notify admins when user has validated his account (TrivialDev)
New SOAP services to handle adding/removing groups, users and tasks (patch by Pasquale Vitale)
- Project activity:
Allow project to disable the Project Activity (Alcatel-Lucent)
Activity: New Directory appears now in activity (TrivialDev)
- Trackers: Attachements moved to filesystem to allow larger attachments & reduce DB size (Alcatel-Lucent)
- Frs: Download statistics are available as graph now (TrivialDev)
- New javascript based graphics (bybye jpgraph) (TrivialDev)
- Widgets:
Widget: MyArtifacts Enhancement: add monitored artifacts (TrivialDev)
Widget: Project Document Activity: new or updates files, new directories, in the last 4 weeks (TrivialDev)
About Plugins:
- scmgit:
Multiple repositories per project (developed for/sponsored by AdaCore)
Add browsing capability for user personal repository (TrivialDev)
Basic activity support (TrivialDev)
- scmhook
commitEmail support for scmhg plugin (TrivialDev)
change properties support for SVN pre-revprop-changehooks (Alcatel-Lucent)
svncommitemail: this plugin is superseed by scmhook
svntracker: this plugin is superseed by scmhook
- scmhg: http support, online browsing, stats (Denise Patzker, TrivialDev)
- headermenu: new plugin to handle links in headermenu, outermenu & groupmenu (TrivialDev)
- blocks: improved with a new HTML widget for the project summary page (Alcatel-Lucent)
- new phpcaptcha plugin: enable a captcha in the register page. (TrivialDev)
- webanalytics: new plugin to add support for piwik or google analytics tool (TrivialDev)
- new admssw plugin to provide ADMS.SW compatible RDF descriptions of projects

Development Highlights:
- jQuery library is now standard. No more prototype + scriptaculous + jQuery + specific JS mess.
- Bybye old jpgraph php library. Fusionforge now uses jqPlot library which is a jQuery plugin. All graphs have been rewritten.
- File attachments in tracker and document manager are now stored on the filesystem using a common storage API.
- More informations about what is going on. SCM activity (commits) are now displayed. New or enhanced widgets are also available on your page to follow project activities.
- Code cleanup. Fusionforge get a slimming diet.
- new plugins are available such as captcha integration or webanalytics integration. Some are leaving (svncommitemail, svntracker are merged into the scmhook plugin).

Behind the scene, old configuration files (i.e are not supported anymore. Since 5.0, the configuration files are standards *.ini files. As usual, migration scripts are provided to migrate what needs to be migrated to the new schemes (in this case, for the database schema). Still backup your data before any migration.

Tracker roadmap of the 5.3 release :

Some metrics about 5.3:
32 bugs fixed
31 patches merged
21 features requests implemented
1.5 year of development since 5.2
~ 17000 commits between 5.2 and 5.3
14 contributors

Enjoy and your feedback to is welcome!
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Welcome to fusionforge-5.3-final-release-available. [ Reply ]
By: Franck Villaume on 2014-04-02 11:31
Welcome to fusionforge-5.3-final-release-available.